Tag: Television
MLB YANKEES: New Aaron Judge Colonge
RE: NFL Player Stats Ratings
Now they have new quarterback rankings because no one understands point and game differentials.
Mahomes and Kansas City just played three seasons until February while other teams stopped in December.
So on them stats, Mahomes is due for a playoff loss, plus fatigue from extended seasons, then Tayor Swift wasn’t really on that much this time.
Anyway, on that stat Mahomes got beat by the new star rookie quarterback on the Eagles, who is the new NFL “rookie Mahomes character”.
So, if you watch NFL I think this Superbowl was a pretty decent win for the Eagles and huge for their franchise.
Like this, they get a rating between 0 and 100 on new one I think.
Kansas City lets say going in had 35 / 100
and the Eagles 75 / 100.
So if you bet on that stat for the Superbowl you win.
Remember, this is where people get confused.
The NFL quarter back ranking is determend during the game.
During the gane the point differential for Mahones would have increased past 35 DURING the live game.
Like if he had if thrown for more yards, he didnt’t this Superbowl game so he stayed around 35 and lost.
RE: Food Court Gossip
You should hear that quiff I mentioned at the Mic Mac Mall going on about the Superbowel but he can’t count in two points.
Slandering MY page to the Food Court staff saying Jason Mackenzie (me the big penis victim here in the story) is taking the menopause doctor and Amy Lawerence on a trip to Jamica after the Superbowl.
Only three hours from Halifax.
See what I mean about the quiff.
The football team is at St. Mary’s but the menopause climic is at Dalhousie.
You can’t even take it.
I mean, I said to the guy, the bum…
If they think I’m taking them on a trip because their big internet stars with their 3000 followers and I got a big penis why I go through all that for a date with a cheerleader standing there?
See, I told you he’s a bum and a quiff.
My point is down at Dal they’ll tell him at the psych lab he’s only familar with his poor surroundings with being a bum, that’s why he’s in love with the menopause doctor and thinks I’m taking her and Amy Lawerence to Jamica.
In reality, I just let the cheerleader hold my platimum credit card, or pre paid to the quiff what’s the difference, and then bang….
I’m there with no effort.
See, if I worked at the menopause clinic at Dal or “Comminity Services” , I throw that case out for being garbage, like the story from the quiff with nothing in it, and then he gets mad because I have a big penis and not scared of women at the menopause clinic.
Note, to Derek Jeter etc., down at ESPN…Amy Lawerence quit her job last night after the Superbowl now she’s probaby taking over your spot on pime time because her stats are a bigger draw than that batting average thing in the hall of fame stats book.
ps. I think she meant she fired you last night on her show…hopefully you guys on ESPN wern’t the ones calling her up on the show lying like last week.
Next file.
RE: HALIFAX Local Affiliate Infinity Sports Network Coverage
I dunno, this is a late night show…
After Hours with Amy Lawerence now people call in and say the show is too feminine.
I thought they meant locally because of this blog and how I’m permanently on Cosplay now with boy and girls characters.
By the way, I still look the same as my pictures on this blog.
I mean, some people like me actually go to New York and still live here in Halifax.
I’m just saying that’s what they sound like when they call from here, that they get to talk to Amy Lawerence here in Halifax locally.
My point is people like me actually attend those live sports events there.
You know what she said?
She doesn’t where her girl clothes to work on Infinity Sports Network.
I thought this blog locally that might be too feminine for their show.
What do you other people call her about?
Too feminine?
What do you men want on the show, just naked men or what.
SPORTS: Infinity Sports Network Local Blackout Coverage
Just like I was saying and (CBS NEW YORK LOCAL AFFILIATE HALIFAX, NS) Infinity Sports Network is the new name…
Amy Lawerence on their Football radio show clearly told fans the following:
On the local blackout for your game selection it states that after all other blackout restrictions some games may not be available.
Just like I’ve been saying.
In her example, it’s NFL playoff coverage blackout.
Which is also not the same as regular season black out coverage.
They said the paid playoff game was on cable and local blackout streaming app.
So, you buy the playoff game by getting cable then the stream only works in that local blackout.
In the example the guy didn’t stay home to watch his paid cable guaranteed NFL Playoff game on the call in show and then he traveled with the app and the stream didn’t play in the other blackout.
No one ever said that NFL Playoff games were not expensive.
RE: NFL Chiefs Backlash
Your all sick of losing to Mahomes and Kansas City already?
God man….
You get “swifties” and now “mahomies”
deal with it.
Like “homies” slang talk for Mahomes new run with the Taylor Swift Promotion.
His fans can be “Mahomies”.
NEWS: New Trade Dispute Taking Place In New York City
Now we have a new trade dispute in New York City.
Here is the summary that I know about a new trade dispute…
Like on the WWE tour, heading to New Zealand on the Ice Road with the United States and a new dispute with Russia and Canada.
The short of the dispute is will never happen, the current United States 2025 failed congress has no candidates.
The small parties already beat the local state county with more coverage from a new ground up launch, for brand new political start ups.
I mean bigger LOCAL solutions from new political start ups a bigger solution locally in New York with the partial new 2025 congress with the United States since I thought they were banned in Maine where to Old Nova Scota used to be the same County.
Plus he was shot with a gun on live TV during the same campaign.
Now we’ll see the medical from the psychological school programs in effect on live TV in Congress.
So the current Senate body in “Washington D.C.” for 2025 is failed.
Wood tariffs for example on the new expanded WWE world tour which promotes the ice road.
So the 2025 United States Congress, really CAN’T tarrif anyone, by the Alaska border on the Ice Road tour and promotion, mass hysteria, the 2025 Congress Group will be gone by then.
So the psychological effects are already evident because Alaska doesn’t collect wood tariffs because if the Russia / Canada border and Asia is the actual place of business is Communist.
So all World Leaders outside of the United States already know the Communist rules are fair to Canada.
Again again….
Long term Ronald Reagan budgets show, that even a 25% tarrif on wood passing to Alaska to Russia from Canada…
Everyone already knows, except the shot United States President, that Canada will get the money back later on the tax break from China on future taxes in Canada, and allies, with government rebates.
Blah blah blah…
Like this,…
Today, you pay an extra 25% to buy lumber in Canada and ship through the Alaska Ice Road to China, is the worst case scenario which you get back later in Canada on Corporate tax breaks with the money returned, from other Countries investments In Canada, which is the UK Trade zone.
Like at the other end of the Ice Road in New Zealand WHERE, if the New Zealand / Australia tunnel ever gets completed, even the military would want one first, would be the finished Ice Road and the War Conflict would shifted to the regular spots in Asia to protect the military tunnels to New Zealand if true on the Ice Road.
See, the same on here like them Christmas movies “The Family Man”, you get Ritchie Valens on the Netflix version abd Donna she’s not rich like prostitutes.
Then Ritchie keeps going back to the bar and writing songs about Donna.
Ritchie, could have chosen to buy a good background like Donnas family with his money, and with that she’s connected to the record company money the song from her family’s bid for the marriage.
Then Ritchie keeps going back to the rich prostitute with the bad family background.
Those are the themes on these types of movies, poor people becoming rich and getting stuck making bad decisions with the money from the poor family who got rich, not the family with the better background.